Some Great Ways That You Can Stop Smoking Today!

Ways to quit smoking

There are probably no less that a hundred ways to quit smoking, and all have various levels of success depending mainly on the sheer will-power and desire of the tobacco smoker to actually quit once and for all.

Most smokers start off by going the old tried, and rarely successful, 'cold turkey' method of quitting their habit. Problem with this method is unless the smoker can usually take off about an month or so from work and hermit-ize himself, or herself, from the world at large then the world at large is in for a rather bumpy ride with the smoker trying this method. Friends and co-workers will find themselves either avoiding the smoker in an effort to not get their heads bitten off or ganging up and shoving the jonesing smoker in a room with a pack of cigarettes and locking the door in hope that the person gets a clue.

Another method that seems to have had better results for many nicotine junkies is to use the nicotine patches or gum to get the nicotine to satisfy the addiction until they can wean themselves from it without fugging up every area around them and creating a load of disgruntled non-smokers who would prefer not to inhale the second-hand smoke.

Hypnosis is another method with varying degrees of success. This method treats not only the physical addiction but the psychological addiction many smokers have. It is this psychological addiction that keeps a vast majority of smokers from ever quitting. The act of smoking and drawing the smoke into the lungs is associated with comforting ones-self. This is very like the way people use food as a comfort tool when things get stressful.

Finding an alternative to tobacco is another way that many have quit smoking tobacco while still keeping that psychological comfort. There are many alternative smoking blends on the market today. All of them are tobacco free and generally consist of a blend of legal psychoactive herbs that calm the body and mind to help the person break the physical nicotine addiction if not the psychological addiction.

How to Stop Smoking Tips and Tricks

So you have tried but have ultimately not succeeded, you are still a smoker and fear that you will always be one. You are aware that you should quit the fags but just do not seem to have the willpower. Well in this article I will be giving my own free tips and tricks, as I call them, which I hope will help, at least one person, to stop smoking.

It is important to set yourself goals in life and this is certainly the case when attempting to quit smoking. I would always start any attempt at the start of the week or at the start of a month. Each day you successfully do not smoke mark it on a calendar or in a diary. There is one major thing to remember, if after, let's say, a week of non smoking you fall off the wagon and have a cigarette, for whatever reason, do not let this be the excuse to start smoking twenty a day again!. Take it merely as a blip, a one off.

Smoking is basically just a bad habit. People like to smoke as soon as they leave work, after they have eaten a meal, as soon as they wake up in the morning or whenever they drink coffee, as you can see it is a cycle that needs to be broken. To do this we have to replace the cigarette with something else, this could be a biscuit, for example. A tip that is known to work is to brush your teeth or have a polo mint every time you have a real urge to smoke. Yes it does sound crazy but it also works for a lot of people.

It is a good idea to write down all of the reasons why you want to quit smoking. These are likely to include health, the cost, the way it makes your clothes smell, the stigma of being a smoker and protection of your teeth. Every time that you are about to have a cigarette and therefore fail in your quest to quit it is then when you take this list, have a good read, as a reminder of why you are doing it.

Stop Smoking Tips
If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.
Stop Smoking medications