3 Steps to Help You Stop Being Addicted to Marijuana

Stop Being Addicted to Marijuana
Are you addicted to marijuana? You probably didn't think so until you decided or were told you had to quit but weren't very successful at stopping your pot smoking habit on your own. You need help! Being addicted to marijuana is not only illegal because it is a drug but that it also has negative effects on your social and family life. Fortunately, there are many programs and tips that are available to you if you are serious about kicking your weed addiction.

Mental Preparation

The first thing you need to do is prepare yourself mentally for this journey. How your prepare yourself mentally is going to be one of determining factors of successfully you can stop being addicted to marijuana.

You are going to have to mentally prepare for all of the mental and physical signs an symptoms you will have to deal with while trying to quit. You are going to encounter symptoms of withdrawal that you are going to have to deal with. These could be minor or strong depending on how strong your addiction to marijuana is.

You are also going to have to deal with cravings. You need to mental prepare for situations and how you are going to handle any cravings that will arise from your quitting. What are you going to replace these cravings with? Are you going to exercise, eat, sew, read, or anything that keeps your mind off of the cravings. Having yourself mentally prepared to deal with all of the emotional effects of quitting is going to make you just that much more successful when trying to quit.

Make a "Stop Smoking Plan"

Isn't there a famous quote, "Without a plan you cannot succeed"? This is true if you are trying to stop being addicted to marijuana. You will need a plan. You need to sit down and plan everything out. Make a list of things that you know you need to do and of things you know are going to happen. Then use this list to come up with ideas and strategies for handling these different things or situations on your list. It is important for you to know how you are going to handle certain things when they arise or you might slip and fall back into some unhealthy habits. You plan is what is going to lead you to success in your fight against your battle with weed.

Social Influences

The number one reason many people fail at try to quit smoking pot is they do not have the support from their friends. The reason behind this is many of their friends are users also, so they try to influence them to not quit and keep smoking weed. This is one of the toughest areas to correct when trying to stop being addicted to marijuana. The reason is you risk losing your current friend and family. The only way to stop smoking pot and clean yourself up is to surround yourself with people who support you and do not use the drug. You might have to make very difficult decisions on avoiding your friends and family members that smoking or you might even have to make an even more difficult decision of complete cutting off contact with them until the clean themselves up so you don't relapse back into smoking pot again.

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