Use Self Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Commitment, determination, mental strength and a positive attitude are necessary to help overcome any addiction or substance abuse. Studies have shown that smokers who chose to quit without any help had less chance of success than those that selected self-hypnosis to help them beat their nicotine addiction. Unlike having a glass of wine or eating chocolates occasionally, nicotine is unhealthy and a serious addiction.

When your body enters into what is commonly referred to as a trance or a carefree, highly relaxed state of mind, your subconscious becomes extremely susceptible to influence and persuasion. Once you have entered this state, self-hypnosis uses auto suggestion to change the way your subconscious thinks. The difference between self hypnosis and hypnosis is that hypnosis requires a qualified hypnotherapist and normally involves several sessions of intense interaction between the hypnotist and client to help him or her quit smoking. Instead of a hypnotherapist, self hypnosis to stop smoking uses recorded guidance and counseling to lead you through the quit smoking process. One of the benefits to self hypnosis is that the person quitting smoking can use the resources and recordings they have, in any place, at any time and as often as necessary. Individuals can tailor their self hypnosis frequencies and repetitions to their rate of progress.

One of the requirements for effectively quitting smoking through self hypnosis is a positive, open attitude towards quitting smoking and a real desire to stop, or the treatment will not work. If a person does not truly want to stop smoking, no amount of hypnosis or self hypnosis can make them. When people use self hypnosis, they remain conscious, with complete power or control of their minds, so they can interrupt the process at any time and remain aware of their environment. The most successful way to quit smoking using self hypnosis is to practice in a secluded, quiet, calm area, where there are no distractions.

The most challenging and difficult part of breaking a smoking habit is trying to get over the emotional and mental dependency of smoking, which is a huge part of a nicotine addiction. Smokers develop certain conditioned responses or unconscious habits, such as lighting up with their morning coffee or right after a meal. Self hypnosis can help break these habits.

Quitting smoking is very difficult and people should not feel defeated or discouraged if they do not succeed the first time, the hundredth time, or if they actually quit and then have a relapse. It is important for smokers to keep trying until they beat their nicotine addiction. Along with self hypnosis, there are several other methods for quitting that are often effective alone or combined. There are nicotine replacement products such as nicotine gum, lozenges or the nicotine patch, available over-the-counter, which helps reduce the craving and symptoms of withdrawal. There are also support groups, organizations and even professional counseling for people trying to give up smoking. Talk to your health care provider if you are having difficulty stopping smoking or are concerned about what to use to help.

How Smoking Can Take Away Your Health And Life Despite the dangers that smoking can bring, there are still millions of Americans who enjoy lighting up sticks upon sticks of cigarettes.
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