What Will Stop Smoking Aids Do For Me

giving up smoking is notoriously difficult to do, so many people use stop smoking aids to try to make it a little bit easier. Many of these aids are available, including nicotine patches, nicotine gum, nicotine inhalers, pills, and homeopathic remedies.

The patch is one of the first things that come to mind when people think about aids to stop smoking. This is because the nicotine patch is well known and commonly available at most pharmacies. The patch is designed to help ease the discomfort caused by withdrawal symptoms.

Since many smokers experience symptoms of withdrawal such as headaches, cravings, anxiety, nervousness, fatigue, and irritability, the patch tends to be very useful. Of course, smokers still experience cravings as well as some other symptoms, but the patch is known to help smokers tolerate their cravings for longer periods. Nevertheless, in order to be successful, an individual must use the patch every day for about three months. It is said that one in every five dedicated quitters will be able to stop smoking with the help of the patch. Still some people experience side effects from the patch, including skin irritation and trouble sleeping. Most people recommend that quitters start therapy along with the nicotine patch.

A popular and well known stop smoking aid is the pill, otherwise known as bupropion or Zyban. This prescription drug and antidepressant pill is actually for those individuals who are depressed. However, it has been proven that this pill also helps smokers trying to quit smoking by suppressing symptoms of withdrawal. In fact, some studies show that Zyban is twice as effective as a nicotine patch. In any case, it is easy to use and non-addictive. Side effects of Zyban include trouble sleeping and a dry mouth. It is certainly worth a try.

stop smoking aids include nicotine gum and nicotine inhalers. Nicotine gum helps smokers quit smoking by giving their mouths something to do. Many smokers who quit smoking end up gaining weight because they tend to eat more food or snacks in order to compensate for the lack of a cigarette. Nicotine gum, in this case, is most useful for those individuals who are scared to quit because they fear gaining weight. Nicotine gum also helps people get over their cravings during their withdrawal period, as smokers chew nicotine gum instead of smoking. Nicotine gum is best used for three months.

The nicotine inhaler is a stop smoking aid that lets people take a dose of nicotine whenever they feel the need. This mimics the effects of smoking and makes the transition between smoking and not smoking a little bit easier for quitters. There are side effects, though, including throat and mouth irritation.

Most stop smoking aids can help people stop smoking however the person must also be committed to quit. There are many different products that can help someone quit smoking. The majority of these products, such as patches, pills, gum and inhalers, deliver nicotine to the user to help lessen the withdrawal from smoking. However, nothing can help someone quit smoking except the unwavering decision to do so and the drive to follow through.

Wellbutrin SR is an effective antidepressant and antismoking drug for adults